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  • High-strength steel kickstand
  • Replace OEM kickstands perfectly
  • Big Twin, Softail, FLT and XL kickstands are measured from the first bend at the top to the first bend at the bottom of the kickstand

  • 1″ Under Stock

    2 in stock (can be backordered)

    SKU: 05100265 Category:
    Models FLSTC 1340, FLSTC 1450, FLSTCI 1450 EFI, FLSTF 1340, FLSTF 1450, FLSTFI 1450 EFI, FLSTFI 1550 EFI, FLSTFSE 1690, FLSTN 1340, FLSTN 1450, FLSTNI 1450 EFI, FLSTS 1340, FLSTS 1450, FLSTSI 1450 EFI, FXST 1450, FXSTB 1450, FXSTBI 1450 EFI, FXSTC 1340, FXSTD 1450, FXSTDI 1450 EFI, FXSTDSE 1550, FXSTDSE2 1550, FXSTI 1450 EFI, FXSTS 1340, FXSTS 1450, FXSTSI 1450 EFI
    Sales Name Fat Boy, Fat Boy 15th Anniversary, Fat Boy Screamin Eagle, Heritage Softail Classic, Heritage Softail Special/Nostalgia, Heritage Softail Springer, Softail, Softail Custom, Softail Deluxe, Softail Deuce, Softail Deuce Screamin Eagle, Softail Night Train, Softail Springer
    Bike Types FS2, FXST
    TSN 152; 155; 162; 172; 173; 174; 178; 179, 186; 187; 200, AAH; AAI; AAJ; 188; 199; 203; 213, AAK; ACG; ACH; ACN; ACO; ACS; ACT; ADF; 215
    HSN 1008
    Country ALL, AMERICA
    Weight 0.707 kg
    Dimensions 125.000 × 336.000 × 50.000 cm
    Parent Product Type


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    Model Parent
