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CABLE CLT 37000041-2 VNYL


High-Efficiency Black Vinyl Clutch Cable

  • Cables feature chrome fittings, black vinyl outer casings, tempered-steel inner wire and a nylon inner sleeve for smooth operation
  • High-performance cables use the latest technology of longitudinally winding the outer housing lengthwise rather than spirally so cable bends in a more natural arc and eliminates spring and compression
  • Late-style cables are measured with the adjuster completely collapsed.
  • Adjuster measured from bottom of cable.

  • 5 in stock (can be backordered)

    SKU: 06521916 Category:
    Models XL 1200 C, XL 1200 CB ABS, XL 1200 T, XL 1200 V, XL 1200 V ABS, XL 1200 X, XL 883 L, XL 883 N
    Sales Name Forty-Eight, Iron, Seventy-Two, Sportster Custom, Sportster Custom 110th Anniversary, Sportster Custom LE B, Super Low
    Bike Types XL2, XL2-R
    TSN AAL; AAM; AAV; ACK; 209; 210, AAN; AAO; AAY; ACL; ACZ; ADA; 211, ADO
    HSN 1008
    Country ALL, EUROPE