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Vented Dipstick

  • This breathing dipstick removes unwanted build-up of blow by, which is found in engines with excessive leakdown through the rings/cylinders (a common issue with large displacement big bore engines)
  • The Feuling Vented Dipstick can help motorcycles that experience what is called oil blow by (when oil is pushed out through the air intake)
  • Dipstick vents excessive crankcase pressure from the oil tank through a breather system consisting of a filter element and umbrella valve
  • Also a helpful product to release excessive crankcase pressure
  • Test results show a decrease in wet sumping oil levels

  • 1 in stock (can be backordered)

    SKU: 10120260 Category:
    Models FXD 1450, FXDC 1450, FXDCI 1450 EFI, FXDI 1450 EFI, FXDL 1450, FXDLI 1450 EFI, FXDS-CON 1340, FXDWG 1450, FXDWG2 1450, FXDWG3 1450, FXDWGI 1450 EFI, FXDX 1450, FXDXI 1450 EFI, FXDXT 1450
    Sales Name Dyna Low Rider, Dyna Super Glide, Dyna Super Glide Convertible, Dyna Super Glide Custom, Dyna Super Glide Sport, Dyna Super Glide T-Sport, Dyna Wide Glide, Dyna Wide Glide Limited Edition
    Bike Types FD1, FXD
    TSN 158, 193, 194; 208
    HSN 1008