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Passenger Floorboard Short Comfort Kit

  • Provides two additional floorboard positions with blocks and three positions for the floorboards, five positions total both up and down
  • Approximately 1-1/4″ to 2″ higher than the highest stock setting
  • The tilted position places the floorboards at an ergonomic plane relieving stress in the legs and calves
  • This tilted position also allows the passenger to push into the boards when cornering, which provides a more secure feeling
  • Provides two additional spacing widths to add additional comfort by placing the floorboards wider apart
  • The wider position allows passengers to relax their lower body, which takes pressure off of the inner thighs, knees and lower back
  • Made in the U.S.A.

  • Available on back-order

    SKU: 16210245 Category:
    Models FLHR 1340, FLHR 1450, FLHR 1584, FLHR 1584 ABS, FLHRC 1450, FLHRC 1584, FLHRC 1584 ABS, FLHRCI 1340 EFI, FLHRCI 1450 EFI, FLHRI 1340 EFI, FLHRI 1450 EFI, FLHRS 1450, FLHRS 1584, FLHRSE3 1800, FLHRSE4 1800 ABS, FLHRSEI 1550, FLHRSEI2 1690, FLHRSI 1450 EFI, FLHS 1340, FLHT 1340, FLHT 1450, FLHT 1584, FLHT 1584 ABS, FLHTC 1340, FLHTC 1450, FLHTC 1584, FLHTC 1584 ABS, FLHTCI 1340 EFI, FLHTCI 1450 EFI, FLHTCSE2 1690 EFI, FLHTCU 1340, FLHTCU 1584, FLHTCU 1584 ABS, FLHTCUI 1340 EFI, FLHTCUI 1450 EFI, FLHTCUSE 1690, FLHTCUSE2 1800, FLHTCUSE3 1800 ABS, FLHTCUSE4 1800 ABS, FLHTI 1450 EFI, FLHX 1450, FLHX 1584, FLHX 1584 ABS, FLHXI 1450 EFI, FLTCU 1340, FLTR 1450, FLTR 1584, FLTR 1584 ABS, FLTRI 1340 EFI, FLTRI 1450 EFI, FLTRSE3 1800 ABS, FLTRSEI 1550, FLTRSEI2 1550
    Sales Name Electra Glide, Electra Glide Classic, Electra Glide Screamin Eagle, Electra Glide Sport, Electra Glide Standard, Electra Glide Ultra Classic, Electra Glide Ultra Classic CVO, Electra Glide Ultra Classic Screamin Eagle, Electra Glide Ultra Classic Special Anniversary Edition, Road Glide, Road Glide CVO, Road Glide Screamin Eagle, Road King, Road King Classic, Road King Custom, Road King Screamin Eagle, Street Glide, Tour Glide Ultra Classic
    Bike Types FL1, FL2, FLT
    TSN 124; 128; 141; 148; 150; 156; 157; 164; 165; 175; 177; 184; 185, 195; 201; 202, 206, AAA; 196; 207, AAB; ABE; 212, AAR; ABD, AAS; ABF, ABM; ABW, ABO; ABP; ABS; ABT; ACJ
    HSN 1008
    Country ALL, AMERICA