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Extended Length Stainless Steel Brake Line Kit

  • Features clear-coated stainless steel braided extended lines with chrome steel fittings
  • For matching lower and mid lines on ABS models, see standard length lines
  • Made in the U.S.A.

  • 5 in stock (can be backordered)

    SKU: 17412651 Category:
    Models FLST 1450, FLSTC 1450, FLSTC 1584, FLSTCI 1450 EFI, FLSTF 1450, FLSTF 1584, FLSTFI 1450 EFI, FLSTFI 1550 EFI, FLSTFSE 1690, FLSTFSE2 1690, FLSTI 1450 EFI, FLSTN 1450, FLSTN 1584, FLSTNI 1450 EFI, FLSTS 1450, FLSTSC 1450, FLSTSC 1584, FLSTSCI 1450 EFI, FLSTSI 1450 EFI
    Sales Name Fat Boy, Fat Boy 15th Anniversary, Fat Boy Screamin Eagle, Heritage Softail, Heritage Softail Classic, Heritage Softail Springer, Softail Deluxe, Softail Springer Classic
    Bike Types FS2
    TSN 186; 187; 200, AAH; AAI; AAJ; 188; 199; 203; 213, AAK; ACG; ACH; ACN; ACO; ACS; ACT; ADF; 215, AAT; AAU; AAZ; ABA; AU; ABV; ABZ; ACA; 218
    HSN 1008
    Country ALL, AMERICA