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Bolt Set

  • Socket-head bolt sets to meet virtually any custom need
  • Complete motor sets for 07 and later Big Twin include bolts for primary, cam, cam sensor, derby, rocker box, transmission top, transmission side, lifter block and clutch covers
  • Complete motor sets for 87-94 Big Twin include bolts for cam, primary, point, clutch, inspection and chain covers, lifter base, inner primary, top front and rear motor mounts, timing plug and header mount screws
  • Complete motor sets for 04 and later XL include bolts for primary, cam, derby, lifter block, points cover, rocker box and engine case
  • Complete motor sets for 86-03 XL include bolts for cam, primary, generator, sprocket, rocker box, top motor mount, lifter base, point or magneto cover
  • Made in the U.S.A.

  • Available on back-order

    SKU: DS190398 Category:
    Models FLHR 1340, FLHRCI 1340 EFI, FLHRI 1340 EFI, FLHS 1340, FLHT 1340, FLHTC 1340, FLHTCI 1340 EFI, FLHTCU 1340, FLHTCUI 1340 EFI, FLSTC 1340, FLSTF 1340, FLSTN 1340, FLSTS 1340, FLTCU 1340, FLTRI 1340 EFI, FXD 1340, FXDL 1340, FXDS-CON 1340, FXDWG 1340, FXLR 1340, FXR 1340, FXR2 1340, FXR3 1340, FXRS CON. 1340, FXRS-SP 1340, FXST 1340, FXSTB 1340, FXSTC 1340, FXSTS 1340, FXSTSB 1340
    Sales Name Bad Boy, Dyna Low Rider, Dyna Super Glide, Dyna Super Glide Convertible, Dyna Wide Glide, Electra Glide Classic, Electra Glide Sport, Electra Glide Standard, Electra Glide Ultra Classic, Electra Glide Ultra Classic Special Anniversary Edition, Fat Boy, Heritage Softail Classic, Heritage Softail Special/Nostalgia, Heritage Softail Springer, Low Rider Convertible, Low Rider Custom, Low Rider Sport Edition (Fxrsl), Road Glide, Road King, Road King Classic, Softail, Softail Custom, Softail Night Train, Softail Springer, Super Glide, Super Glide Screamin Eagle, Tour Glide Ultra Classic
    Bike Types FLT, FXD, FXR, FXST
    TSN 124; 128; 141; 148; 150; 156; 157; 164; 165; 175; 177; 184; 185, 126; 136; 146; 151; 154; 163, 152; 155; 162; 172; 173; 174; 178; 179, 158
    HSN 1008