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Iridium IX Spark Plug

  • The ultimate in the evolution of spark plug technology and performance from the industry leader
  • The iridium electrode is 25% smaller than a platinum electrode, and it’s just 1/4 the size of a conventional nickel electrode
  • Ultra-small diameter center electrode reduces voltage requirement and extends ignition system life
  • New metal shell plating has enhanced anti-corrosion qualities

  • Available on back-order

    SKU: 21030036 Category:
    Models GL 1800, GL 1800 ABS, GL 1800 AD ABS, GL 1800 AL ABS, GL 1800 B, GL 1800 HPN, GL 1800 P
    Sales Name Goldwing, Goldwing 30th Anniversary, Goldwing Airbag, Goldwing Airbag Navi, Goldwing Audio Comfort Navi, Goldwing Navi, Goldwing Premium Audio
    Bike Types SC47
    TSN AAA; AAB; 114; 115
    HSN 1153
    Country ALL, AMERICA