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Electric Speedometer/Tachometer

  • Combination speedometer and tachometer
  • Black face matches the stock gauge look
  • LCD odometer, trip meter, all stock indicators including check engine light
  • Plug-in installation for ’99-’03 models
  • All ’96-’98 models require sub-wire harnesses; sold separately
  • All ’96-’03 models require the use of a tachometer wiring kit; sold separately
  • No diagnostic functions

  • 3 in stock (can be backordered)

    SKU: 22100332 Category:
    Models FLHR 1340, FLHR 1450, FLHRCI 1340 EFI, FLHRCI 1450 EFI, FLHRI 1340 EFI, FLHRI 1450 EFI, FLSTC 1340, FLSTC 1450, FLSTCI 1450 EFI, FLSTF 1340, FLSTF 1450, FLSTFI 1450 EFI, FLSTN 1340, FLSTS 1340, FLSTS 1450, FLSTSI 1450 EFI, FXDWG 1340, FXDWG 1450, FXST 1340, FXST 1450, FXSTB 1340, FXSTB 1450, FXSTBI 1450 EFI, FXSTC 1340, FXSTD 1450, FXSTI 1450 EFI, FXSTS 1340, FXSTS 1450, FXSTSB 1340, FXSTSI 1450 EFI
    Sales Name Bad Boy, Dyna Wide Glide, Fat Boy, Heritage Softail Classic, Heritage Softail Special/Nostalgia, Heritage Softail Springer, Road King, Road King Classic, Softail, Softail Custom, Softail Deuce, Softail Night Train, Softail Springer
    Bike Types FD1, FL1, FLT, FS2, FXD, FXST
    TSN 124; 128; 141; 148; 150; 156; 157; 164; 165; 175; 177; 184; 185, 152; 155; 162; 172; 173; 174; 178; 179, 158, 186; 187; 200, 193, 195; 201; 202
    HSN 1008
    Country ALL, AMERICA