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Solo Seat

  • Feature a precisely molded proprietary foam that contours to the shapes and angles needed for optimal cruising comfort
  • Constructed of marine-grade fiberglass for a secure install and long-term durability
  • Provide quality comfort and design
  • Made in the U.S.A.

  • Available on back-order

    SKU: DS900224 Category:
    Models FLST 1340, FLSTC 1340, FLSTF 1340, FLSTN 1340, FLSTS 1340, FXST 1340, FXSTB 1340, FXSTC 1340, FXSTS 1340, FXSTSB 1340
    Sales Name Bad Boy, Fat Boy, Heritage Softail, Heritage Softail Classic, Heritage Softail Special/Nostalgia, Heritage Softail Springer, Softail, Softail Custom, Softail Night Train, Softail Springer
    Bike Types FXST
    TSN 152; 155; 162; 172; 173; 174; 178; 179
    HSN 1008
    Country ALL